5 Ideas For A Getaway Girls Weekend

Taking a holiday from work, packing a suitcase and going on a trip with your best friends is something that every one of us always needs. Even if in a relationship, you shouldn’t miss an excellent opportunity to have fun and a great time with your friends and enjoy a vacation together. Well, to help you with travel arrangements and destination choices, we’ve put together a list of five ideas for girls’ getaway just for you.

girls beach holiday
Dubai ticks all the boxes for a short break with the girls
  1. Dubai, UAE

Surely there is no holiday to imagine without sunbathing on a sandy beach near the sea, but in winter this requires a longer flight. In order to make your trip a little more exciting and diverse, we offer you to visit the United Arab Emirates, particularly Dubai. While it takes 7 hours to fly there, that gives ample sleeping time for a long weekend to remember.

This country is famous not only for its sandy beaches but also for its excellent infrastructure and excellent tourist service. By the way, the largest shopping centre in the world is situated in Dubai, which is sure to be appreciated by every girl.

However, in order for you to be comfortable traveling around the city, we advise you to rent a car. Only imagine yourself driving in a luxury car on the night city highway, the wind blowing your hair and your friends singing favourite songs. This all could easily become true thanks to the car rental service.

Take some time before the trip and visit the website for renting a car and choose the one that suits you 100%. Service specialists will help you to hire a vehicle according to your preferences and take care of your safety and comfort during the entire trip.

girls on city break to europe
City breaks in Europe are another option for a girls getaway
  1. Paris, France

Paris is often called the city of love and we could assure you that there are certain reasons for that. France is a must visit destination if you and your girls are fashion lovers, with many high end designers calling it home. And it seems that everything in Paris is surrounded with a romantic atmosphere, while the tasty pastries make it even more pleasant.

This way, if you come here with your friends, imagine that you are the main characters of the movie Midnight in Paris, who can spend their nights walking around the city, listening to the street musicians and speaking French. Explore the main museums, have a picnic in the Jardin des Tuileries and of course don’t forget to take a photo shoot near the Eiffel Tower.

  1. Milan, Italy

The Italian expression “dolce vita” means sweet life, which is exactly how this place can be described. Italy combines all the finest all together, stunning architecture, rich history, impossibly delicious food and cheerful people.

Milan is considered to be not only the cultural capital of Europe but also the fashion capital of the world, which of course is shared with Paris. You should come to Italy with an excellent appetite, because the cuisine there is a real art, for the sake of it it is worth even putting on a few pounds.

girls holiday to bali

  1. Tenerife, Canary Islands

Okay, so bit of a stretch for a long weekend but it takes 4 hours to fly there so not much longer than most of Europe for some guaranteed sunshine. And if you want to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city, we advise you to experience a mindfulness retreat. Nothing is more relaxing than a Thai massage and yoga classes on the coastline by the ocean. This is a great place to recharge your energy and relax not only your body, but also your mind.

  1. Barcelona, Spain

If you are looking for a fun and bright holiday then you urgently need to come to Spain. This country is attracted by its passion, cheerfulness and joy. You will definitely not get bored here. The national cuisine is definitely worth trying, as well as the famous Spanish drink of Sangria.

Right after that it’s time to go with your friends out to master flamenco dancing, in that way can be sure such an evening will be long remembered. Once you come to Madrid, buy tickets to watch the football game, because Spanish national teams are known not only for their excellent skills, but also for their beautiful players.

Here it is, five ideas for a getaway, five different countries with unique cultures and special atmosphere. We highly recommend you to visit all of them, but you can start with visiting just one. Wish you a great vacation!