Common Home Repairs You Can Easily Handle Yourself

Your home is your castle, and maintaining it in good condition is an essential part of homeownership. However, as time goes by, wear and tear can take its toll, leaving you with a list of repairs to tackle. Some common home repairs may require professional assistance, but there are several common home repairs are a relatively straightforward job that you can easily handle yourself.

A quick visit to your local hardware store to pick up some essentials for any do-it-yourself project like duct tape, screws, screwdriver, plunger, utility knife, wood glue, and painter’s tape that you will save money and always find come in handy when undertaking any job in your house.

By addressing these minor issues promptly, you’ll save time, money, and avoid potential future complications.

The Value of DIY Home Repairs

Being proactive in handling minor do-it-yourself repairs can play a significant role in preventing expensive home repairs down the line. With a little DIY know-how, many repairs can be simple fixes, completed without the need for a professional. In this blog, we’ll explore some common home repairs you can easily handle yourself, saving you time and money in the long run.

Unblocking Drains and Gutters

Blocked drains and gutters can lead to water damage and damp issues in your home. Regularly clearing debris such as leaves, twigs, and dirt from your gutters and drains will prevent blockages and ensure water flows away from your property as it should.

You can use a garden trowel or a gutter cleaning tool to remove debris, followed by a thorough flush with a garden hose.

Boiling water poured down drains is one of those regular jobs that is essential especially during colder months which will loosen and build up residue that may cause blockages in both drains and your gutters.

Fixing Leaky Taps

A dripping tap is not only irritating but also wastes water and can cause higher utility bills, plus the drips create a limescale stain. Thankfully, fixing a leaky tap is a relatively simple plumbing task. It will either be caused by being loose or just need tightening, or a replacement washer.

First, it is important to turn off the water supply to the tap via the internal stop-cock which is often in an under stairs cupboard or close to a ground level toilet or alternatively the it can be turned off at the main supply which is usually on the pavement outside your house (look for any handles or screws on the water pipe). You can then unscrew the tap to remove.

Next, replace the worn-out washer, O-ring, or ceramic disc, depending on the type of tap you have. These can be bought at a local hardware store or plumbers merchants. Finally, reassemble the tap with an adjustable wrench and turn the water supply back on to check if the leak has been resolved.

Repairing Damaged Plaster

Cracks and screw holes in plaster walls and around light switches can be unsightly and may worsen if left unaddressed. To repair minor damage, and larger holes, clean the area and apply a pre-mixed filler or patching compound using a putty knife. Once dry, sand the area to a smooth finish and apply a fresh coat of paint to match the surrounding wall.

sealing gaps in window

Sealing Gaps and Cracks

Sealing gaps and cracks around windows, internal doors, curtain rods, smoke detector and skirting boards can improve energy efficiency and prevent drafts. To do this quick fix, use a caulking gun to apply a suitable sealant or filler, smoothing it out with a wet finger or a small tool for a neat finish.

Replacing Broken Tiles

Broken tiles can make your home look untidy and may lead to water damage if not addressed. To replace a broken tile, first, carefully remove the grout around the damaged tile using a grout rake or oscillating multi-tool. Then, use a hammer and sharp bolster to gently break the tile into smaller pieces and remove it from the surface.

Apply adhesive to the back of the new tile, press it into place, and reapply the grout. Allow the adhesive and grout to dry before cleaning the area.

Refreshing Grout

Dirty or discoloured grout can make your bathroom or kitchen look unkempt. To refresh your grout, use a grout cleaner and a scrubbing brush to remove dirt and stains. If the grout is damaged, use a grout rake to remove it and apply fresh grout with a grout float.


As homeowners we are looking to improve our homes whilst trying to save money. The best way to achieve this is by undertaking simple home repairs that are the epitome of do-it-yourself projects. We might be able to go home an be fixing windows, toilets, the kitchen sink or other types of expensive damage that we all encounter but with a few pretty simple tips we can all attempt to improve the good condition our homes.

If there are jobs that feel beyond you, there is no shame in hiring a professional, remember that you can always search for terms like “hire excavator” or “contractor near me” to get a list of companies that you can check out.