Styling Your Closet For Every Season

Building a walk-in closet is a dream come true for many women. The fantasy of having a dedicated storage space that boasts your attractive collection of everyday clothes, dresses, formals, bags and so much more.

We all dream of a nicely organized, artfully curated colour-coded wardrobe that makes the daily choice on what to wear super easy, but alas a lot can go into making this dream a reality.

If you own a walk-in closet and are looking to revamp and redo the stuff inside, here is an introductory guide on how to organize your closet once every few months, perfect for checking out our autumn fashion tips.

  1. Declutter And Donate

This has to be our number 1 tip to the perfect closet of your dreams but alas, it is the most difficult one to implement. As women, we tend to hold attachment and emotional value for our clothes and other commodities, but we all have to make hard choices right? Start by having a good look at your closet, analyze each piece that you wear and start filtering out worn-out clothing, unfit tops, out of fashion or trendy pieces and just items that you don’t reach out for anymore. You can distribute the clothes to family or donate to needy organizations. Trust me, it’s like a weight being lifted off your chest.

  1. Sort According To Usage And Season

Now you have a clean palette to work with, a wardrobe full of clothes that you absolutely adore. Now start by organizing your clothing according to the seasons – summer, spring, autumn/fall and winter. Divide your closet into sections to make it easier. Now set up the most used and your favourite items at the start of the row to nullify the decision-making process. You can also go up a notch and colour code your dresses if that’s what you’re looking for. You can also keep those extra warm winter vacation clothes separate unless you have a regular need for snow boots. 

walk in closet

  1. Reliable flooring for every season

If you notice that the flooring of your beloved closet needs a little bit of redoing, we highly recommend looking into engineered wood flooring. It is a synthetic form of wood, carefully designed by putting up some components together. The topmost layer is made up of natural wood while the other layers are non-wood synthetic derivatives. It’s a great flooring option to consider if you want more stability in terms of heat and humidity control. It also adds that extra padded effect to help keep the room insulated. A win-win situation for us.

  1. Maximize Space For Storage

A lot of walk-in closets feature a vertical space for added storage. Use that space to the best of your capability by adding closet organizers, so you can hang your crop tops and blouses on the upper rack and your pants and dresses in the lower rack.