Six Makeup Tips for Glasses Wearers

Everyone who wears glasses understands the struggles when it comes to applying makeup. These little things can be incredibly frustrating, from mascara hitting your lenses or the foundation rubbing off your nose. To help solve these issues and more, the team at Arlo Wolf is here to give you their top tips and hacks to keep your makeup looking flawless all day long.

  1. Makeup rubbing off on your nose

One of the most frustrating problems when it comes to wearing glasses is when your makeup rubs off on the bridge of your nose. If you use a heavy foundation, this could make a dent on your nose when wearing glasses – so try keeping your coverage over your nose light. 

Another top tip to prevent the makeup from rubbing off is to use a translucent powder to set your nose. You can also use a setting spray before continuing with the rest of your face makeup. A top tip: put a bit of powder on the nose pads of your glasses for a lasting finish.

Makeup Tips for Glasses Wearers

  1. Frame your eyebrows to flatter your glasses

Depending on the shape and style of your frame, your brows might not always be seen. If your glasses frames are thin and delicate, your eyebrows will be more prominent, so you might want to spend time keeping them neat and groomed. If you have a thicker frame, your eyebrows may be hidden by your glasses, so you don’t need to spend a long time on your brows.

  1. Prevent mascara from hitting your lenses

If you have naturally long eyelashes, it can be common for your mascara to leave marks on your lenses. A hack to prevent this is to curl your lashes. Curling your lashes lifts them slightly so it can help prevent them from hitting your lens. Also, investing in some waterproof mascara can help prevent smudges.

  1. Concealer is your best friend

Glasses cast extra shadows around the under-eye area, and if you have magnifying lenses, they also enhance any existing shadows under your eyes. Use light reflecting concealer in a slighter light shade than your foundation or skin colour. This will help eliminate the shadow effect.

beautiful girl with makeup and glasses

  1. Eyeliner tips for different frames

Adjusting the thickness of your eyeliner depending on your frame style can really enhance your look. If you have a thicker frame, applying a thick liner of eyeliner to the upper lash line can give you a very defined look. If you have a thinner and more delicate frame, a softer, thinner line will provide you with a good balance between your eyes and frames.

  1. How to wear coloured frames and colourful eye makeup

Your eyeshadow should never compete with your colourful frames. Doing a colour coordinated eye and glasses look is best done with a light base colour that matches your frames, with a darker shade of the same colour in the crease of your eye. 

If you want to make your eyes pop, going for a light and bright colour over the lid is a good choice with coloured frames. It is also good to find colours that compliment your skin colour. The most common complementary colours include purple and green. This is an excellent way to achieve a fresher, more youthful look. Regardless of colour choice, it’s always best to use black liner and mascara to complete your look.

All in all, you still want your eyes to be the focal point of your face. Your glasses shouldn’t be overpowering your face but they should complement it. The same applies to makeup. You should do what you ultimately feel confident with.