First Published: 21st June 2023, written by Olivia Doonan | Last Updated on 21st June 2023 | Reviewed and Edited by Chloe Safilo
The calendar is passing by at a remarkable speed. The summer sun is cresting the horizon, and it will be here before you know it. Now is the perfect time to start getting yourself shipshape for a summer of fun and frolics.
Don’t let anything hold you back, you got this. It won’t be like last year, or the year before; this time, the job is getting done. These top tips should have you covered from tip to toe, so make some springtime investments in yourself so you can be rolling in clover come summer.
Effective Fitness Strategies For A Beach-Ready Body
Getting in shape for the summer without a plan in place means you are going to struggle. Each fitness journey starts with small steps in the right direction. Without designing an exercise routine for your body, and sticking to it, you will not get the results you want. Sadly, there is no other way. And it’s not about losing body fat for that killer beach body, you’ll just feel better in yourself with increased fitness levels.
Cardiovascular exercises like running, swimming, or cycling help burn calories, improve endurance, and promote fat loss. Try 20-30 minutes a day of medium-level cardio to start losing a few pounds while training your body for what is to come.
Strength training exercises like push-ups and squats help tone and sculpt important muscles, like the ones around your bum and tummy. If these areas need some attention, get ready for some lunges and scrunches.
Yoga or stretching routines will help your muscles cool down after exercise, help make you more flexible and prevent injuries. Adding in 10-15 minutes of Yoga can make this whole process go more smoothly. Body transformation isn’t easy, but lets be clear that carrying extra body fat is not a problem.
Even if you are struggling with obesity symptoms, you can still find help from places like chemist-4-u.com. Their guide to obesity symptoms and how to combat them is a tremendous resource for tackling this nationwide epidemic, and for helping you get your body in the shape you want.
Don’t let anything hold you back, and embrace the summer. These simple steps, like balancing cardio, stretching, and getting a little help with slimming, can all play a part in your body-positive transformation. Giving you fitness and health that lasts, along with a new sense of self.
Boosting Your Energy And Immunity For The Summer
The heat of the sun takes its toll on us. As the mercury rises in the thermometer, our energy levels and immune response slump. Heat, sun, and sweat can all sap your spark and depress the immune system. Don’t spend your summer sick in bed or drained on the couch. Take some of these steps to protect yourself so you don’t wreck yourself, and instead spend your summer frolicking in the sun.
First, stay hydrated. This is a simple enough task but many people fail it, so start those healthy habits. By drinking an adequate amount of water throughout the day you maintain your optimal functions. Nothing drains your system of energy quite like dehydration. Food is thy medicine too. Fresh foods are much better for your body, even if they have been frozen or canned. You can still get a varied diet and all the nutrients you need by relying on flash-frozen veggies and tinned fruits. Your body needs ‘real food’ to maintain its energy levels.
Regular physical activity builds stamina, which leads to increased energy levels and improved immune function. Just because you have slimmed down a little doesn’t mean you should stop doing cardio work or running. Remember your ABCs, always be cardio-ing. Run, swim, cycle, do a high-intensity workout on YouTube, whatever it is; keep doing it.
Sleep is another daily chore that boosts your energy and supports your immune system. Try to get eight hours a night, whenever possible, to give your body the time it needs to rejuvenate itself. You will feel like a new you in the morning. Following this advice will help you set your body up for summer. It is a foundation you can build upon for a healthier, happier, season full of fun and sun, not hiding in the shade.
Spring Into Fresh-Looking Summer Skin
Spring and summer offer a multitude of health and beauty opportunities that can enhance your sense of well-being and self-confidence. One of the most effective secrets is to prioritise self-care and stress management. This could include practising mindfulness techniques, enjoying nature walks, or indulging in hobbies that help you unwind and burn some extra calories. Relax your body and mind to relax your skin, giving you the perfect canvas to paint a new look on.
A sensible summer skincare routine has to involve stocking up on moisture. The sun and heat dry us out like raisins. Keeping your body hydrated helps, but your skin is crying out for excess levels of healing nectar of your favourite moisturiser. Try to use one with some sun protection included when the clear skies come.
When you are setting yourself up for a day out, use minimal foundation and focus on enhancing your natural features with tinted moisturisers, blush, and a touch of mascara. Go for a natural, sun-kissed look that celebrates the carefree spirit of the season, and doesn’t block the pores too heavily so you sweat less in the sun.
Pack essentials in your bag to help you handle the heat, and the effect it can have on your artistry. Make sure your mascara travels with you, a setting spray is a good idea, and some foundation to top yourself up on a quick trip to the bathroom. Don’t forget some sunscreen for the rest of your skin, and maybe a small bottle of aftersun to help your skin recover in the early evening.
Summer Hair Solutions
Heavy is the head that wears the crown. The cherry on top of your summer sundae can cause problems when the temp goes up, and the fiery ball in the sky is blazing its rays at you. Dealing with a hairdo in the summer can be a full-time occupation, curtailing your fun. There are some tips and tricks that can help you minimise your bad hair days, and give you a carefree summer of luscious locks.
Protect your precious scalp from sun exposure in the daytime by wearing hats or using leave-in conditioners with UV protection. This creates fashion options and keeps you cooler with your hair under control. Minimise heat styling to prevent additional damage to your long strands, and always go for air-drying if possible when you get out of the shower. Hair dry stylings are not great for summer occasions, and excessive bursts of heat can cause your hair intense levels of damage.
Adjust your haircare routine to suit the warmer weather too. Use lightweight shampoos and conditioners to avoid weighing down your hair, and consider using a deep conditioning treatment to replenish moisture lost from sun exposure and swimming. This will help keep you cool, and your hair flowing carefree, glistening in the summer sun like a shampoo advert.
Nothing is going to hold you back this year. With all the top info you need to spring into action, the summer sun won’t know what hit it when you strut your stuff down the high street. Put all these tips together to show the heat who the boss is, and give yourself the summer you have always wanted and have always deserved.