5 Natural, Organic and Clean Beauty Trends To Watch For

Have you jumped on the clean beauty trend? At this point it is less of a trend than a preference many people share when it comes to their self-care products. “Clean beauty” refers to makeup, skin care, and self-care products that have natural ingredients and are made using green, organic and sustainable methods.

At the moment, there may not be an official definition of “clean beauty”, but there are some emerging trends that are shaping the landscape of responsible beauty and self-care products.

The following are five of the top ones to look out for.

1: Clean Beauty is Not Going Away 

The term “clean beauty” might have been catchy at first, but the idea behind it is not going away. People are interested in better products for themselves and the environment, so it’s easy to see why the concept is here to stay. You will start seeing more brands use “clean” to describe their products.

Why is clean beauty a popular concept? Mind Body Green says that people care about beauty for more reasons than being beautiful. They want to feel well physically and emotionally. This makes organics and sustainability more important than ever when it comes to ingredients.

You will see these types of products under the umbrella of clean beauty (but, again, there is no industry standard so buyer beware):

  • Plant-based
  • Organic
  • Fragrance free
  • Free of artificial colors
  • All-natural
  • Free from certain chemicals, such as parabens
  • Meeting some standards for sustainability
  • Not tested on animals
  • Free of animal (and insect) byproducts

As you can see, clean beauty can mean a lot of things. The definition is likely to evolve and become more standard at some point, but for now it’s up to you to decide what counts as clean. Research a brand to see exactly what they are claiming when they use the term.

Clean Beauty

2:  Clean Products for “Maskne”

COVID-19 has people wearing masks, which is beneficial for spreading disease but can take a toll on skin. Some people break out more when they wear masks all day. This problem has led to a new problem informally called maskne, which is a portmanteau of mask and acne.

There are many clean ways to improve acne. These tend to include daily cleansing methods and surface treatments. This might be effective for smaller breakouts, but it’s still recommended that you see a dermatologist to treat more serious acne problems.

If you are worried about the types of chemicals used for acne, ask your doctor for alternatives. Also, take the time to educate yourself on acne medication ingredients. Sometimes you’ll see names that seem like they are not clean at all, but they really are. For example, salicylic acid is often recommended for acne, but from the sound of it, it seems like it was made in a lab. Salicylic acid is a plant-based organic compound. For many clean beauty standards, it would be considered clean.

3: Natural Beauty Is In

There is no doubt about it, natural beauty is coming back strong. This might be because many people are working more from home, going out less, and still practicing social distancing. For many people, this means saying goodbye to high-maintenance things like artificial eyelashes and moving toward less makeup, and more natural colors. For men, it tends to mean big beards are still a thing, suggests Dapper Confidential.

4: Natural Teeth Whitening

In keeping with the trend to go natural, people are searching out natural ways to brighten teeth. For many, this includes options that do not contain hydrogen peroxide, including teeth whitening gels that rely on minerals to naturally whiten teeth and help remineralize teeth.

5: Natural Hair Is In

This may be another trend that came from all of that social distancing, but it might also just be a part of the fashion cycle. Over time, just about everything goes in and out of style a time or two. You can expect to see more natural hair, including embracing natural waves and curls. You’ll probably also see more fun and creative braids.

Do Your Homework

Currently, brands are deciding for themselves what clean beauty means. Until the industry and government define it more specifically, it is up to people to set standards for themselves and do their research. You can learn more about beauty and self-care products by looking up ingredients on the American Chemistry Council’s consumer safety website called ChemicalSafetyFacts.org.